Thursday, 4 February 2016

Punishment vs Therapeutic Jurisprudence

Restorative Practices International Seminar

  • Punishment vs Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Which will reduce incidence of crime in the long term?

Thursday 10 March 16, 4.30pm—6pm

North Shore Boat House
55a Lindsay Street, INVERMAY
Cost : Free 

RSVP:   Online or Email


  • Welcome : RPI Director John Lennox
  • Meet the Launceston Committee
  • Guest Speaker: Michael Hill

About the guest speaker

Michael Hill graduated in Law from the University of Tasmania in 1971 and was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court in February 1972. He practiced in general litigation until 1984 when he joined the Law Department as Head of the Legislation and Policy Division.
He was appointed the first Special Commissioner of the Tasmanian Small Claims Court in1985.
He was appointed a Magistrate in 1988, Deputy Chief Magistrate in 1996 and Chief Magistrate in 2009.
In 2005 he served as an Acting Judge of the Supreme Court.
From 2007 to 2011 he was the Regional Convener for Tasmania for the National Judicial College of Australia and was a member of the Council of the College from 2013 to 2015.
He served on the Council of the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association representing Australia between 2003 and 2009.
He retired in October 2015. He is serving on two boards, assisting at the University Law School, visiting his grandchildren and playing g